During the past 15 years, the World Wide Web has created remarkable new methods for
harnessing the creativity of people in groups, and in the process has created powerful
business models that are reshaping our economy. As the Web has undermined old media
and software companies, it has demonstrated the enormous power of a new approach,
often referred to as Web 2.0. In a nutshell: the secret to the success of bellwethers like
Google, Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter is that each of these
sites, in its own way, has learned to harness the power of its users to add value to—no,
more than that, to co-create—its offerings.
Now, a new generation has come of age with the Web, and it is committed to using its
lessons of creativity and collaboration to address challenges facing our country and the
world. Meanwhile, with the proliferation of issues and not enough resources to address
them all, many government leaders recognize the opportunities Web 2.0 technologies
provide not just to help them get elected, but to help them do a better job. By analogy,
many are calling this movement Government 2.0.
What the heck does that mean?
Much like its predecessor, Web 2.0, “Government 2.0” is a chameleon, a white rabbit
term, that seems to be used by people to mean whatever they want it to mean. For some,
it is the use of social media by government agencies. For others, it is government transparency,
especially as aided by government-provided data APIs. Still others think of it
as the adoption of cloud computing, wikis, crowdsourcing, mobile applications, mashups,
developer contests, or all of the other epiphenomena of Web 2.0 as applied to the
job of government.
All of these ideas seem important, but none of them seem to get to the heart of the
Web 2.0 was not a new version of the World Wide Web; it was a renaissance after the
dark ages of the dotcom bust, a rediscovery of the power hidden in the original design
of the World Wide Web. Similarly, Government 2.0 is not a new kind of government; it
is government stripped down to its core, rediscovered and reimagined as if for the first
And in that reimagining, this is the idea that becomes clear: government is, at bottom,
a mechanism for collective action. We band together, make laws, pay taxes, and build
the institutions of government to manage problems that are too large for us individually
and whose solution is in our common interest.
Government 2.0, then, is the use of technology—especially the collaborative technologies
at the heart of Web 2.0 - to better solve collective problems at a city, state, national,
and international level.
The hope is that Internet technologies will allow us to rebuild the kind of participatory
government envisioned by our nation’s founders, in which, as Thomas Jefferson wrote
in a letter to Joseph Cabell, "every man…feels that he is a participator in the government
of affairs, not merely at an election one day in the year, but every day."
As President Obama explained the idea during his campaign: “We must use all available
technologies and methods to open up the federal government, creating a new level of
transparency to change the way business is conducted in Washington, and giving Americans
the chance to participate in government deliberations and decision making in
ways that were not possible only a few years ago.”
Allowing citizens to see and share in the deliberations of government and creating a
“new level of transparency” are remarkable and ambitious goals, and would indeed
“change the way business is conducted in Washington.” Yet these goals do not go far
Government As a Platform
This is a radical departure from the existing model of government, which Donald Kettl
so aptly named “vending machine government.” We pay our taxes, we expect services.
And when we don’t get what we expect, our “participation” is limited to protest—essentially,
shaking the vending machine. Collective action has been watered down to
collective complaint. (Kettl used the vending machine analogy in a very different way,
to distinguish between the routine operation of government and the solution of new
and extraordinary problems, but I owe him credit for the image nonetheless.)
What if, instead of a vending machine, we thought of government as the manager of a
marketplace? In The Cathedral & the Bazaar,
Eric Raymond uses the image of a bazaar
to contrast the collaborative development model of open source software with traditional
software development, but the analogy is equally applicable to government. In
the vending machine model, the full menu of available services is determined beforehand.
A small number of vendors have the ability to get their products into the machine,
and as a result, the choices are limited, and the prices are high. A bazaar, by contrast, is
a place where the community itself exchanges goods and services.
But not all bazaars are created equal. Some are sorry affairs, with not much more choice
than the vending machine, while others are vibrant marketplaces in which many merchants
compete to provide the same goods and services, bringing an abundance of choice
as well as lower prices.
In the technology world, the equivalent of a thriving bazaar is a successful platform. If
you look at the history of the computer industry, the innovations that define each era
are frameworks that enabled a whole ecosystem of participation from companies large
and small. The personal computer was such a platform. So was the World Wide Web.
This same platform dynamic is playing out right now in the recent success of the Apple
iPhone. Where other phones have had a limited menu of applications developed by the
phone vendor and a few carefully chosen partners, Apple built a framework that allowed
virtually anyone to build applications for the phone, leading to an explosion of creativity,
with more than 100,000 applications appearing for the phone in little more than 18
months, and more than 3,000 new ones now appearing every week.
This is the right way to frame the question of Government 2.0. How does government
become an open platform that allows people inside and outside government to innovate?
How do you design a system in which all of the outcomes aren’t specified beforehand,
but instead evolve through interactions between government and its citizens, as a service
provider enabling its user community?
This chapter focuses primarily on the application of platform thinking to government
technology projects. But it is worth noting that the idea of government as a platform
applies to every aspect of the government’s role in society. For example, the
Highway Act of 1956, which committed the United States to building an interstate
highway system, was a triumph of platform thinking, a key investment in facilities that
had a huge economic and social multiplier effect. Though government builds the network
of roads that tie our cities together, it does not operate the factories, farms, and
businesses that use that network: that opportunity is afforded to “we the people.” Government
does set policies for the use of those roads, regulating interstate commerce,
levying gasoline taxes and fees on heavy vehicles that damage the roads, setting and
policing speed limits, specifying criteria for the safety of bridges, tunnels, and even
vehicles that travel on the roads, and performing many other responsibilities appropriate
to a “platform provider.”
While it has become common to ridicule the 1990s description of the Internet as the
“information superhighway,” the analogy is actually quite apt. Like the Internet, the road
system is a “network of networks,” in which national, state, local, and private roads all
interconnect, for the most part without restrictive fees. We have the same rules of the
road everywhere in the country, yet anyone, down to a local landowner adding a driveway
to an unimproved lot, can connect to the nation’s system of roads.
The launch of weather, communications, and positioning satellites is a similar exercise
of platform strategy. When you use a car navigation system to guide you to your destination,
you are using an application built on the government platform, extended and
enriched by massive private sector investment. When you check the weather—on TV
or on the Internet—you are using applications built using the National Weather Service
(or equivalent services in other countries) as a platform. Until recently, the private sector
had neither the resources nor the incentives to create space-based infrastructure. Government
as a platform provider created capabilities that enrich the possibilities for subsequent
private sector investment.
There are other areas where the appropriate role of the platform provider and the marketplace
of application providers is less clear. Health care is a contentious example.
Should the government be providing health care or leaving it to the private sector? The
answer is in the outcomes. If the private sector is doing a good job of providing necessary
services that lead to the overall increase in the vitality of the country, government should
stay out. But just as the interstate highway system increased the vitality of our transportation
infrastructure, it is certainly possible that greater government involvement in
health care could do the same. But if the lesson is correctly learned, it should do so not
by competing with the private sector to deliver health services, but by investing in infrastructure
(and “rules of the road”) that will lead to a more robust private sector ecosystem.
At the same time, platforms always require choices, and those choices must be periodically
revisited. Platforms lose their power when they fail to adapt. The U.S. investment
in the highway system helped to vitiate our railroads, shaping a society of automobiles
and suburbs. Today, we need to rethink the culture of sprawl and fossil fuel use that
platform choice encouraged. A platform that once seemed so generative of positive
outcomes can become a dead weight over time.
Police, fire services, garbage collection: these are fundamental platform services, just
like analogous services in computer operating systems. And of course, here we have an
“antipattern” from technology platforms: the failure to provide security, for example, as
a fundamental system service, leaving it instead to the “private sector” of application
vendors, has imposed a huge downstream cost on the technology ecosystem.
The question of Government 2.0, then, is this: if government is a platform, how can we
use technology to make it into a better platform?
This question allows us to fruitfully extend the platform metaphor and ask: what lessons
can government take from the success of computer platforms, as it tries to harness the
power of technology to remake government?
Lesson 1: Open Standards Spark Innovation and Growth
After the introduction of the PC, barriers to market entry were so low that Michael Dell,
a Texas college student, was able to start what became a multibillion dollar company out
of his dorm room. The market for personal computers exploded. IBM had estimated a
total of 245,000 PCs would be sold over five years; as we now know, the eventual market
size was in the billions, as scrappy little companies like Microsoft worked to put
“a computer on every desk and in every home.”
At the same time, the standardization of the personal computer led to unexpected consequences:
software became a higher-margin business than hardware; industry power
shifted from IBM to Microsoft.
In its early years, Microsoft triumphed by establishing the best platform for independent
software developers. Just as the standard architecture of the IBM PC lowered the barriers
to marketplace entry by hardware manufacturers, the standardized APIs of MS-DOS
and, later, Microsoft Windows made it easy for developers to “add value” to the personal
Over time, Microsoft began to abuse their market power as the platform provider to
give advantage to their own applications. At that point, the PC software marketplace
became less and less vibrant, with most of the profits accruing to a few dominant companies.
As a result, many people mistakenly take the lesson from the PC era that owning
a platform is the secret of marketplace control and outsized profits.
In fact, by 1995, the PC era had run out of gas. The PC became less and less like a bazaar
and more and more like a vending machine. We’d moved from the open personal computer
as the platform to the closed and tightly controlled Microsoft Windows as the
platform. When one vendor controls the platform, innovation suffers.
What reinvigorated the industry was a new open platform: the Internet, and more
specifically, the World Wide Web. Both were radically decentralized—a set of rules for
programs to cooperate and communicate, with applications provided by anyone who
had a good idea and the skills to write one. Once again, barriers to marketplace entry
were low, with multibillion dollar companies created out of college dorm rooms, and
tens of thousands of companies competing to provide previously unimaginable new
services. The bazaar was back.
We see the same dynamic playing out today in the cell phone market. Cell phone providers
have traditionally operated on the vending machine model. Apple changed the
rules of the game with the iPhone developer platform. Suddenly, anyone could develop
smartphone applications.
The smartphone platform story is perhaps the one most comforting to those inside
government. Unlike the IBM PC or the Internet, the Apple iPhone is not a completely
uncontrolled Wild West. Apple actively manages the platform to encourage innovation
and choice while enforcing clear rules. Some observers believe that over time, the iPhone
platform will not prove open enough, and will be superseded by other, more open platforms.
But for the moment, Apple appears to be creating an effective balance between
control and what Jonathan Zittrain calls generativity.
There are two lessons for government in these stories. The first is the extraordinary
power of open standards to foster innovation. When the barriers to entry to a market
are low, entrepreneurs are free to invent the future. When barriers are high, innovation
moves elsewhere. The second is that vibrant platforms become less generative over time,
usually because the platform vendor has begun to compete with its developer ecosystem.
Some readers may take the lesson to be that government plays an important role in
antitrust enforcement, keeping a level playing field. Facing the crises of the day, from
banking to health care, we see a story in which entrenched players have grown large and
have used their resulting power to remove choice from the marketplace, extracting outsized
profits not by creating value but by cornering it.
There may be an “antitrust 2.0” alternative. Rather than simply limiting the size or power
of an entrenched player, can government insistence on openness and interoperability
be used to cause a “market reset,” through which innovation can once again flourish?
Antitrust actions against Microsoft were focused on existing business models, yet the
real competition for Microsoft came not from other businesses selling software, but from
an entirely new class of advertising-based business models that were invented in the
initially noncommercial, wide-open spaces of the World Wide Web.
One of the most important ways that government can promote competition is not
through after-the-fact antitrust enforcement but by encouraging more innovation. And
as has been argued here, the best way to do that is with open standards. So, for example,
faced with the race by major players to dominate the emerging world of cloud computing,
the government can forestall the risk of single-player dominance by throwing its
weight behind open standards and interoperability in cloud computing. And in fact,
this is just what we’re seeing. The recent General Services Administration (GSA) Infrastructure
as a Service (IaaS) solicitation devoted 5 of its 25 questions to vendors to the
subject of
5.1 Describe your recommendations regarding “cloud-to-cloud” communication and
ensuring interoperability of cloud solutions.
5.2 Describe your experience in weaving together multiple different cloud computing
services offered by you, if any, or by other vendors.
5.3 As part of your service offering, describe the tools you support for integrating with
other vendors in terms of monitoring and managing multiple cloud computing services.
5.4 Please explain application portability; i.e., exit strategy for applications running in
your cloud, should it be necessary to vacate.
5.5 Describe how you prevent vendor lock in.
The recent U.S. Department of Defense
on the use of open source software by the military is a similar move that uses open standards
to enhance competition. The government’s move to push
for open patient records also recognizes the power of open standards to promote innovation
and bring down costs. And of course, the White House’s Data.gov
initiative, a portal for open APIs to government data, takes this idea to a new level.
In considering how open, generative systems eventually become closed over time, losing
their innovative spark in the process, there is also a lesson for government itself.
As a platform provider, when does government stop being generative, and when does
it start to compete with the private sector? When do its decisions raise barriers to marketplace
entry rather than reduce them? What programs or functions that were used to
bootstrap a new market are now getting in the way? There is no Justice Department that
can bring an antitrust action against government; there is no Schumpeterian
destruction” to bring unneeded government programs to an end. Government 2.0 will
require deep thinking about how to end programs that no longer work, and how to use
the platform power of the government not to extend government’s reach, but instead,
how to use it to better enable its citizenry and its economy.
Lesson 2: Build a Simple System and Let It Evolve
Again, the Internet is a case in point. In the 1980s, an international standards committee
got together to define the future of computer networking. The Open Systems Interconnect
(OSI) model was comprehensive and complete, and one of the industry pundits of
the day wrote, in 1986:
Au contraire. It was the profoundly simple protocols of the Internet that grew richer and
more complex, while the OSI protocol stack became relegated to the status of an academic
reference model used to describe network architecture.
Meanwhile, over on the TCP/IP standardization side, there was this wonderful, naive,
glorious statement by Jon Postel in RFC 761:13 “TCP implementation should follow a
general principle of robustness. Be conservative in what you do. Be liberal in what you
accept from others.” It sounds like something out of the Bible, the Golden Rule as applied
to computers. What a fabulous statement of philosophy! “We’re not going to specify all
of the details of how you interoperate; we’re just going to say, ‘Please do it.’”
Twitter is another good example of a fundamentally simple system. Jack Dorsey’s original
design sketch fit on a few lines of paper. Much has grown from that
sketch. There are now thousands of Twitter applications, precisely because the core
Twitter service does so little. By thinking simple, Twitter allowed its users and an ecosystem
of application developers to evolve new features and functionality. This is the
essence of generativity.
that sounds like a real challenge. But let’s remember that TCP/IP was a governmentfunded
project. It can be done. The first step is getting a philosophy of simplicity into
your work, understanding that designing foundations that others can build on is an
important part of platform thinking. It’s about creating the starting point, something
that others can reuse and extend.
Designing simple systems is one of the great challenges of Government 2.0. It means
the end of grand, feature-filled programs, and their replacement by minimal services
extensible by others.
This quest for simplicity is one of the drivers behind Federal CIO Vivek Kundra’s emphasis
on Data.gov, a collection of APIs to government data. Kundra realizes that rather
than having the government itself build out all of the websites and applications that use
that data, providing application programming interfaces to the private sector will allow
independent developers to come up with new uses for government data.
The rationale for Data.gov was laid out convincingly by David G. Robinson et al. in
“Government Data and the Invisible Hand”:
In order for public data to benefit from the same innovation and dynamism that characterize
private parties’ use of the Internet, the federal government must reimagine its
role as an information provider. Rather than struggling, as it currently does, to design
sites that meet each end-user need, it should focus on creating a simple, reliable and publicly
accessible infrastructure that “exposes” the underlying data. Private actors, either nonprofit
or commercial, are better suited to deliver government information to citizens and can
constantly create and reshape the tools individuals use to find and leverage public data.
The best way to ensure that the government allows private parties to compete on equal
terms in the provision of government data is to require that federal websites themselves use
the same open systems for accessing the underlying data as they make available to the public
at large.
Our approach follows the engineering principle of separating data from interaction,
which is commonly used in constructing websites. Government must provide data, but
we argue that websites that provide interactive access for the public can best be built by
private parties. This approach is especially important given recent advances in interaction,
which go far beyond merely offering data for viewing, to offer services such as
advanced search, automated content analysis, cross-indexing with other data sources,
and data visualization tools. These tools are promising but it is far from obvious how best
to combine them to maximize the public value of government data. Given this uncertainty,
the best policy is not to hope government will choose the one best way, but to rely on
private parties with their vibrant marketplace of engineering ideas to discover what works.
Data.gov reflects another key Gov 2.0 and Web 2.0 principle, namely that data is at the
heart of Internet applications. But even here, the goal is not just to provide greater access
to government data, but to establish a simple framework that makes it possible for the
nation—the citizens, not just the government—to create and share useful data.
Amazon’s revolutionary business model included cheap, transparent, pay-as-you-go
pricing without contracts or commitments, making launching a web application a completely
self-service proposition. But what’s perhaps more important was the
commitment Amazon had made over the previous five years to building a true serviceoriented
architecture. As Amazon Chief Technology Officer Werner Vogels described
it in a
2008 Information Week interview:
It’s not just an architectural model, it’s also organizational. Each service has a team
associated with it that takes the reliability of that service and is responsible for the
innovation of that service…. [W]e found that a lot of those teams were spending their
time on the same kind of things. In essence, they were all spending time on managing
infrastructure, and that was a byproduct of the organization that we had chosen, which
was very decentralized.
So…we decided to go to a shared-services platform and that became the infrastructure
services platform that we now know in the outside world as AWS [Amazon Web Services].
Amazon is a bellwether example of why Robinson et al. urge that “federal websites
themselves use the same open systems for accessing the underlying data as they make
available to the public at large.” Amazon’s ability to deliver low-cost web services to the
public started with its own total embrace of an internal web services architecture, in
which Amazon’s own applications are based on the same services that they offer to the
Lesson 3: Design for Participation
Open source software projects like Linux and open systems like the Internet work not
because there’s a central board of approval making sure that all the pieces fit together
but because the original designers of the system laid down clear rules for cooperation
and interoperability. (Yes, there is some oversight: Linus Torvalds and his codevelopers
manage the development of the Linux kernel; the Apache Software Foundation manages
the development of Apache; the Internet Engineering Task Force [IETF] and the Internet
Architecture Board develop and manage Internet standards; and the World Wide Web
Consortium manages web standards. But there is little or no official coordination between
any of these “local” governance mechanisms. The coordination is all in the design
of the system itself.)
In the case of Unix, the original design on which Linux was based, the creators started
out with a philosophy of small cooperating tools17 with standardized inputs and outputs
that could be assembled into pipelines. Rather than building complex solutions, they
provided building blocks, and defined how anyone could write additional building
blocks of their own simply by following the same set of rules. This allowed Unix, and
then Linux, to be an operating system literally created as an assemblage of thousands of
different projects. While the Linux kernel, developed by Linus Torvalds, is the bestknown
part of the operating system and gave its name to the entire system, it is a tiny
part of the overall code.
The Internet took a similar approach.
Tim Berners-Lee’s first implementation of the World Wide Web is a great example of the
Internet approach at work. Berners-Lee was a developer at CERN, the high energy
physics lab in Switzerland, trying to figure out how to make collaboration easier between
scientists. To do that, he simply wrote some code. He didn’t have to get permission from
some central design body. All he needed was one other site to install his server. And it
grew from there.
He built on top of existing platform components, the Internet Protocol,
the Transmission Control Protocol, the Domain Name System, which were already part
of the TCP/IP stack. What he defined in addition was HTTP, a protocol for web servers
and clients to exchange documents, and HTML, the data format of those documents.
He wrote a sample client and a sample server, both of which he put into the public
domain. The industry has been off to the races ever since.
There were a number of key design breakthroughs in the World Wide Web’s
“architecture of participation”:
2. Anyone could link to any other page on the Web, without the permission or knowledge
of the destination page’s owner. This idea was the reversal of one taken for
granted in previous hypertext systems, that links must always be two-way—an
agreement between the parties, so to speak. If the document on the other end of a
link goes away, an error (the famous “404” seen by any web surfer) appears, but no
further action is taken. This tolerance of failure is a good example of Jon Postel’s
Robustness Principle at work.
Another way to frame the idea that anyone could link to any other web page without
permission is to say that the Web was open “by default.” That is, when developers design
software, they make certain choices on behalf of their users about the way that software
will work unless the user intervenes to change it. For example, in the design of the World
Wide Web, it was possible to make web pages that were private and accessible only after
login, but unless proactive steps were taken to hide it, any web page was visible to anyone
else on the Internet.
In many ways, the choice of “open by default” is the key to the breakaway success of
many of the Internet’s most successful sites. For example, early Internet photo-sharing
sites asked their users to identify people with whom they’d like to share their photos.
Flickr made “public” the default value for all photos, and soon became the gold standard
for online photo sharing. Wikipedia allowed anyone to create and edit entries in their
online encyclopedia, miraculously succeeding where more carefully curated online encyclopedias
had failed. YouTube provided mechanisms whereby anyone could embed
their videos on any web page, without coming to the central YouTube portal.
Skype doesn’t ask users for permission to share their bandwidth with other users, but the system
is designed that way. Twitter took off because it allows anyone to follow status updates
from anyone else (by default—you have to take an extra step to make your updates
private), in stark contrast to previous social networks that required approval.
In the context of government as a platform, the key question is what architectures will
lead to the most generative outcome. The goal is to design programs and supporting
infrastructure that enable “we the people” to do most of the work.
A Robustness Principle for Government
For example, the word “transparency” can lead us astray as we think about the opportunity
for Government 2.0. Yes, it’s a good thing when government data is available so
that journalists and watchdog groups like the Sunlight Foundation can disclose cost
overruns in government projects or highlight the influence of lobbyists (see Chapter
17). But that’s just the beginning. The magic of open data is that the same openness
that enables transparency also enables innovation, as developers build applications that
reuse government data in unexpected ways. Fortunately, Vivek Kundra and others in
the administration understand this distinction, and are providing data for both purposes.
Likewise, we can be misled by the notion of participation to think that it’s limited to
having government decision-makers “get input” from citizens. This would be like thinking
that enabling comments on a website is the beginning and end of social media! It’s
a trap for outsiders to think that Government 2.0 is a way to use new technology to
amplify the voices of citizens to influence those in power, and by insiders as a way to
harness and channel those voices to advance their causes.
Participation means true engagement with citizens in the business of government, and
actual collaboration with citizens in the design of government programs. For example,
the Open Government Brainstorming conducted by the White House is an attempt to
truly engage citizens in the making of policy, not just to hear their opinions after the
Open government APIs enable a different kind of participation. When anyone can write
a citizen-facing application using government data, software developers have an opportunity
to create new interfaces to government.
Perhaps most interesting are applications and APIs that allow citizens to actually replace
functions of government, in a self-service analogue to Craigslist. For example,
FixMyStreet, a project developed by UK nonprofit "mySociety",
made it possible for citizens to report potholes, broken streetlights, graffiti, and other problems
that would otherwise have had to wait on an overworked government inspector. This concept has now been
taken up widely by forward-thinking cities as well as entrepreneurial companies like
SeeClickFix, and there is even a standard —
Open311 — for creating APIs to city services
of this kind, so that third-party developers can create applications that will work not
just for one city, but for every city.
Taking the idea of citizen self-service even further, you can imagine government using
a platform like Meetup to support citizens in self-organizing to take on major projects
that the government would otherwise leave undone. Today, there are thousands of civicminded
meetups around issues like beach, road, and waterway cleanups. How many
more might there be if local governments themselves embraced the idea of harnessing
and supporting citizen concerns as expressed by self-organized meetups?
Especially striking in the story are the cost and time savings:
And if the repairs weren’t made, some business owners faced the possibility of having
to shut down...
So Slack [owner of a kayak tour business in the park], other business owners and residents
made the decision not to sit on their hands and wait for state money that many
expected would never come. Instead, they pulled together machinery and manpower
and hit the ground running March 23.
And after only eight days, all of the repairs were done, Pleas said. It was a shockingly
quick fix to a problem that may have taken much longer if they waited for state money
to funnel in...
“We can wait around for the state or federal government to make this move, or we can
go out and do our part,” Slack said. “Just like everyone’s sitting around waiting for a
stimulus check, we were waiting for this but decided we couldn’t wait anymore.”
Now is the time for a renewal of our commitment to make our own institutions, our
own communities, and our own difference. There’s a kind of passivity even to most
activism: collective action has come to mean collective complaint. Or at most, a collective
effort to raise money. What the rebuilding of the washed-out road in Polihale State Park
teaches us is that we can do more than that. We can rediscover the spirit of public service,
and apply the DIY spirit on a civic scale. Scott Heiferman, the founder of Meetup.com,
suggests going beyond the term DIY (Do It Yourself) to embrace a new spirit of DIO:
Do It Ourselves!
Citizen self-organization is a powerful concept. It’s worth remembering that early in our
nation’s history, many functions now handled by government were self-organized by
citizens: militias, fire brigades, lending libraries, not to mention roads, harbors and
bridges. And even today, volunteer fire departments play a major role in protecting many
of our communities. Traditional communities still perform barn raisings. Those of us
who spend our time on the Internet celebrate Wikipedia, but most of us have forgotten
how to do crowdsourcing in the physical world.
Recent popular research on crowdsourcing and the wisdom of crowds suggests a totally
different approach. Asking everybody for input generates better results than just asking
the experts. Certainly, a single recognized expert will tend to offer better facts, predictions,
or advice than a random individual. But put a few dozen random individuals
together—on the right kind of task—and the facts, predictions, or advice that shake out
are better than what the experts alone produce.
The reasons behind the success of crowdsourcing are still being investigated, but the key
seems to be this: in a mix of right and wrong answers, the wrong ones tend to cancel
each other out, leaving the right ones. This is the secret behind the famous appeals to
the audience in the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, as well as the success of
prediction markets such as the University of Iowa’s
Electronic Market.
Wikipedia, which invariably makes a central appearance in every reference to crowdsourcing,
plays the different opinions of the crowd against each other in more explicit
ways. On relatively uncontroversial articles, contributors are expected to discuss their
differences and reach consensus. This process is aided by a rarely cited technical trait of
web pages: because they present no artificial space limitations, there can always be room
for another point of view. On controversial topics, Wikipedia has over the years developed
more formal mechanisms, but the impetus for change still wells up from the grassroots.
It’s also worth mentioning, in regard to crowdsourcing, the use of low-paid or volunteer
labor to carry out simple tasks such as identifying the subjects of photographs. These
are called Mechanical Turk projects, in reference to a crowdsourcing technology platform
provided by Amazon.com, which is itself named after an eighteenth-century
hoax27 in which a person pretended to be an intelligent machine; in the modern incarnation,
thousands of people are serving as functions invoked by a computer application.
Crowdsourcing has already slipped into government procedures in low-key ways. Governments
already use input from self-appointed members of the public on all kinds of
things, ranging from reports of potholes to anonymous tips that put criminals behind
One of the key skills required of both technologists and government officials is how best
to aggregate public opinion or data produced by public actions to reveal new information
or patterns. For example, cities learn a lot about neighborhoods by aggregating crime
reports from residents. They could understand their needs for broadband network access
much more accurately if they took resident reports into account and didn’t depend
just on what the broadband vendors told them (because geographic anomalies often
cause dead zones in areas that the vendors claim to serve).
In general, people can provide input on several levels:
Some of those applications may operate on existing government data, but they can also
be designed to collect new data from ordinary people, in a virtuous circle by which
private sector applications (like SeeClickFix) increase the intelligence and responsiveness
of government.
Governments are more likely to use some form of filtering than to rely on public consensus,
as Wikipedia does. The combination of free debate among the public and some
adult supervision from a government official makes a powerful combination, already
seen in the open government brainstorming session mentioned in Lesson 3.
Finally, crowds can produce data without even realizing it—implicit data that smart
programmers can collect and use to uncover whole worlds of information. In fact, smart
programmers in the private sector have been doing that for years. Lesson 5 covers this
—Andy Oram
Lesson 4: Learn from Your “Hackers”
Such stories suggest how technology advances, as each new generation stands on the
shoulders of preceding giants. Fundamental technology breakthroughs are often not
exploited by their creators, but by a second generation of entrepreneurs who put it to
But advances don’t just come from entrepreneurs playing by the rules of new platforms.
Sometimes they come from those who break the rules. MIT professor Eric von Hippel
has written extensively about this phenomenon, how
“lead users” of a product push it
to its limits and beyond, showing vendors where their product wants to go, in much the
way that rushing water carves its own path through the earth.
There’s no better contemporary example than Google Maps, introduced in 2005, nearly
10 years after MapQuest, the first Internet site providing maps and directions. Yet today,
Google Maps is the dominant mapping platform by most measures. How did this happen?
When Google Maps was introduced, it featured a cool new AJAX (Asynchronous Java-
Script and XML) interface that made it easy to dynamically drag and zoom the map.
But there was a hidden feature as well, soon discovered by independent developers.
Because JavaScript is interpreted code, it was possible to extract the underlying map
coordinate data. A programmer named Paul Rademacher introduced the first Google
Maps mashup, HousingMaps.com, taking data from
another Internet site, Craigslist.org, and creating
an application that put Craigslist apartment and home listings onto a Google Map.
What did Google do? Far from shutting down Rademacher’s site and branding him a
pirate, Google hired him, and soon put out an API that made it easier for anyone to do
what he did. Competitors, who had long had mapping APIs but locked them up behind
tightly controlled corporate developer programs, failed to seize the opportunity. Before
long there were thousands of Google Maps mashups, and mapping had become an
integral part of every web developer’s toolkit.
Today, according to the site ProgrammableWeb.com,
which tracks mashups and reuse of web APIs, Google Maps accounts for nearly 90% of all mapping mashups,
versus only a few percent each for MapQuest, Yahoo!, and Microsoft, even though these companies
had a huge head start in web mapping.
There are potent lessons here for governments opening up access to their data via APIs.
Developers may use those APIs in unexpected ways. This is a good thing. If you see
signs of uses that you didn’t consider, respond quickly, adapting the APIs to those new
uses rather than trying to block them.
In this regard, consider an instructive counterexample to Google Maps from the government
sector. The New York Metropolitan Transit Authority recently attempted to
stop the distribution of an iPhone app called StationStops, which provides schedule
information for Metro-North trains. After a legal battle,
the MTA relented.
Other cities, meanwhile, realized that having independent developers build applications that provide
information to citizens is a benefit both to citizens and to overworked government
agencies, not “copyright infringement and intellectual property theft,” as the MTA had
originally maintained.
The whole point of government as a platform is to encourage the private sector to build
applications that government didn’t consider or doesn’t have the resources to create.
Open data is a powerful way to enable the private sector to do just that.
Data Is the “Intel Inside”
One of the central platform lessons of the PC era is summed up in a principle that
Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen called “the law of conservation
of attractive profits”:
As the IBM PC—built from commodity off-the-shelf parts—became dominant, hardware
margins declined, over time becoming razor thin. But according to Christensen’s
law, something else became valuable, namely software, and Microsoft was soon earning
the outsized profits that once were claimed by IBM. But even in an ecosystem of standard
off-the-shelf parts, it is sometimes possible to corner a market, and that’s just what Intel
did when it broke with IBM’s policy that every component had to be available from at
least two suppliers, and refused to license its 80386 design to other chip manufacturers.
That was the origin of the other half of the famous “Wintel” duopoly of Microsoft and
Intel. If you can become the sole source of an essential commodity that is key to an
otherwise commoditized product, you too can aspire to a logo like the ubiquitous “Intel
Reflecting on the role of open source software and open protocols and standards in
commoditizing the software of the Internet, I concluded in my 2003 paper
“The Open
Source Paradigm Shift” that something similar would happen on the Internet. Exactly
what that was didn’t become clear to me till 2005, when I wrote
“What Is Web 2.0?”
If there’s one lesson that is central to the success of Web 2.0, it’s that data and the algorithms
that produce value from it—not the software APIs and applications that were
the key to the PC era—are the key to marketplace advantage in today’s Internet. Virtually
all of the greatest Internet success stories, from eBay, Craigslist, and Amazon through
Google, Facebook, and Twitter, are data-driven companies.
In particular, they are companies whose databases have a special characteristic: they get
better the more people use them, making it difficult for competitors to enter the market.
Once eBay or Craigslist had a critical mass of buyers and sellers, it became far more
difficult for competitors to enter the market. Once Google established a virtuous circle
of network effects among its AdWords advertisers, it was hard for others to achieve
similar results.
The Internet business ecosystem can thus be seen as a competition to establish monopolies
over various classes of data. It is indeed data that is the “Intel Inside” of the Internet.
What does this have to do with Government 2.0? If data is indeed the coin of the realm
of Internet business models, it stands to reason that companies will find advantage in
taking data created at public expense, and working to take control of that data for private
Consider the story of Routesy, an application providing iPhone users with bus arrival
data in the San Francisco Bay Area. Like StationStops in New York, it was taken down
from the iPhone App Store after a legal complaint. While Muni (the San Francisco transit
authority) was supportive of Routesy and believed that its data was public, the contract
that Muni had signed with technology provider NextBus allowed NextBus to claim
copyright in the data.33 If you want to have the kind of responsiveness that Google
showed in supporting HousingMaps.com and launching the Google Maps mashup ecosystem,
you have to make sure that public data remains public!
Fortunately, the NextBus/Routesy dispute was resolved, like MTA/StationStops, with a
win for the public sector. The San Francisco Municipal Transit Authority has now released
an XML API to the NextBus data.
Lesson 5: Data Mining Allows You to Harness Implicit
• The World Wide Web itself has an architecture of participation. Anyone can put up
a website and can link to any other website without permission. Blogging platforms
made it even easier for any individual to create a site. Later platforms like Facebook
and Twitter are also enablers of this kind of explicit participation.
• First-generation web giants like Yahoo! got their start by building catalogs of the
content assembled by the participatory multitudes of the Net, catalogs that later
grew into search engines. eBay aggregated millions of buyers and sellers into a global
garage sale. Craigslist replaced newspaper classified advertising by turning it all into
a self-service business, right down to the policing of inappropriate content, having
users flag postings that they find offensive. Even Amazon.com, nominally an online
retailer, gained competitive advantage by harnessing customers to provide reviews
and ratings, as well as using their purchase patterns to make automated recommendations.
• Google’s search engine dominance began with two brilliant insights into user participation.
First, the PageRank algorithm that Larry Page and Sergey Brin created
while still at Stanford was based on the realization that every link on the World
Wide Web was a kind of vote on the value of the site being pointed to by that link.
That is, every time any of us makes a link to another site on the Web, we’re contributing
to Google. Second, Google realized that it could provide better advertising
results not by selling advertisements to the highest bidder, but by measuring and
predicting user click-through rates on ads. A $10 ad that is twice as likely to be
clicked on is worth more than a $15 ad. Google could only deliver these results by
understanding that every click on a Google search result is a kind of user contribution.
Since then, Google has gone on to mine user participation in many other
aspects of its core business as well as in new businesses, including speech
recognition, location-based services, automated translation, and much more. Google is a
master at extracting value from implicit participation. It makes use of data that its
users provide simply in going about their lives on the Internet to provide them with
results that quite literally could not exist without them.
Just as Google has become the bellwether company of the Internet era, it is actually
systems for harnessing implicit participation that offer some of the greatest opportunities
for Government 2.0.
There are great examples to be found in health care. As costs soar, we discover that costs
and outcomes aren’t correlated. Atul Gawande’s New Yorker article35 on this disconnect
—outlining how McAllen, Texas, the city with the highest health care costs in the U.S.,
also had the worst health outcomes—led to what Health and Human Services CTO Todd
Park referred to in a conversation with me as a “holy cow moment.” Todd is now working
on what he calls a “holy cow machine,” a set of services that will allow every city to
understand how its health care costs and outcomes compare to those of other cities.
We have all the data we need—generated by the interactions of our citizens with our
health care system—to understand how to better align costs and outcomes. Taking this
idea to its full potential, we need to get beyond transparency and, as Google did with
AdWords, start building data-driven feedback loops right into the system. Google’s tools
for estimating the effectiveness of keyword advertising are available to advertisers, but
that’s wonky, back-office stuff. The real magic is that Google uses all its data expertise
to directly benefit its users by automatically providing better search results and more
relevant advertisements. The most amazing thing about Google is how dynamically the
prices for its advertising are set. Every single Google search has its own automated ad
auction. The price is set dynamically, matching supply and demand, seven or eight billion
times a day. Only financial markets operate at this kind of speed and scale.
A Gov 2.0 analogue would not just be a “holy cow machine” for transparency; it might,
for example, be a new, dynamic pricing system for Medicare. Currently, an outside advisory
board makes recommendations to Congress on appropriate Medicare reimbursement
rates. As David Leonhardt noted in the New York Times, “Congress generally
ignores them, in deference to the various industry groups that oppose any cuts to their
payments.”36 Leonhardt’s solution: an independent body, akin to the Federal Reserve,
empowered to set reimbursement rates in the same way the Fed sets interest rates.
But shouldn’t such a body go even further than periodic resets? Technology would allow
us to actually manage reimbursements in much the same way as Google dynamically
adjusts its algorithms to produce optimal search results and optimal ad placements.
Google takes into account hundreds of factors; so too could a Medicare rate-setting
algorithm. To take two examples from Leonhardt’s article:
There are a handful of possible treatments for early-stage prostate cancer, and the fastestgrowing
are the most expensive. But no one knows which ones work best.
By measuring outcomes and linking reimbursements to those outcomes—rather than
the current “fee for service” model, which encourages unnecessary procedures—Medicare
could pave the way to a real revolution in health care.
Because of the political difficulty of such an intervention, it’s unlikely that Medicare
would be allowed to unilaterally introduce such an algorithmic payment system. As a
result, I do suspect that this kind of innovation will come first from the private sector,
which will trounce its competition in the same way that Google trounced its competitors
in the search advertising market. As a platform provider, though, it’s possible to see how
government investment in the data infrastructure to measure and report on outcomes
could jump-start and encourage private sector investment.
Real-time linkage of health costs and outcomes data will lead to wholesale changes in
medical practice when an innovative health care provider uses them to improve its
effectiveness and lower its costs. Such a breakthrough would sooner or later be copied
by less effective providers. So rather than attempting to enforce better practices through
detailed regulations, a Government 2.0 approach would use open government data to
enable innovative private sector participants to improve their products and services.
And to the extent that the government itself is a health care provider (as with the Veterans
Administration) or medical insurer (as with Medicare), it can best move the ball forward
by demonstrating in its own operations that it has been able to harness technology to
get the job done better and more cost-effectively.
Lesson 6: Lower the Barriers to Experimentation
In reality, for most projects, failure is an option. In fact, technology companies embrace
failure, experimentation, and rapid iteration.
This has been true long before the latest wave of technology companies. In describing
his quest for a working electric light bulb, Thomas Edison said, “I didn’t fail 10,000 times.
I succeeded 10,000 times in figuring out something that did not work.”
You can conceive of the technology marketplace as a series of competitive experiments.
But even within a single company, one of the advantages of web-based business models
is the ease of experimentation. Companies routinely run A/B tests of new features on
subsets of their users. They add and subtract features in real time in a process of constant
improvement that I’ve sometimes called the “perpetual beta.”
More recently, thinkers such as Steve Blank and Eric Ries have
described an idea that Ries refers to as “the lean startup,” in which he describes exploring
the market via a series of “minimal viable products,” each of which tells you more about what
the market really wants.
This is at great variance with typical government thinking, which, by ignoring the possibility
of failure, paradoxically creates the conditions that encourage it. Government
2.0 requires a new approach to the design of programs, not as finished products, perfected
in a congressional bill, executive order, or procurement specification, but as ongoing
Quite frankly, this is likely the greatest challenge in Government 2.0, not only because
of the nature of the government procurement process, but also because government
programs are often dictated by legislation, or by agency regulations that are outside the
scope of the agency actually making the decisions. What’s more, while the commercial
marketplace benefits from Schumpeterian “creative destruction,” government programs
are rarely scrapped or sunsetted.
This is all the more reason why government programs must be designed from the outset
not as a fixed set of specifications, but as open-ended platforms that allow for extensibility
and revision by the marketplace. Platform thinking is an antidote to the complete
specifications that currently dominate the government approach not only to IT but to
programs of all kinds.
A cultural change is also required. Empowering employees to “fail forward fast” accepts
and acknowledges that even when an experiment fails, you will still learn something.
Software and web culture not only embraces this mindset, but revels in it—you never
know which idea will be the million-dollar idea. Once the cost of that experimentation
is reduced, you can quickly scrap a product or feature that no one uses and accept that
it just wasn’t the thing that needed to be built after all.
Finally, it is essential for best practices—and even working code—to be shared between
agencies of the federal government, between states, and between municipalities. After
all, as Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1932, “It is one of the happy incidents of the federal
system that a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory;
and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.”
Being a platform provider means government stripped down to the essentials. A platform
provider builds essential infrastructure, creates core applications that demonstrate
the power of the platform and inspire outside developers to push the platform even
further, and enforces “rules of the road” that ensure that applications work well together.
Lesson 7: Lead by Example
Despite everything I’ve said about the importance of a platform provider not competing
with its developer ecosystem, it’s also a mistake to think that you can build a platform
in the abstract. A great platform provider does things that are ahead of the curve and
that take time for the market to catch up to. It’s essential to prime the pump by showing
what can be done.
This is why, for example, Apps.DC.gov, the “App Store”
for the city of Washington, D.C., provides a better Gov 2.0 platform model than the federal equivalent
Data.gov. Although Apps.gov provides a huge service in opening up and promoting
APIs to all the data resources of the federal government, it’s hard to know what’s important,
because there are no compelling “applications” that show how that data can be
put to use. By contrast, Apps.DC.gov features a real app store, with applications written
by the city of Washington, D.C.’s own technology team (or funded by them) demonstrating
how to use key features. D.C. then took the further step of highlighting, at a top
level, third-party apps created by independent developers. This is a model for every
government app store to follow.
It is true that the sheer size and scope of the federal data sets, as well as the remoteness
of many of them from the everyday lives of citizens, makes for a bigger challenge. But
that’s precisely why the federal Gov 2.0 initiative needs to do deep thinking about what
federal data resources and APIs will make the most difference to citizens, and invest
strategically in applications that will show what can be done.
But the idea of leading by example is far bigger than just Data.gov. Once again, consider
health care.
If the current model of “health care reform” were an operating system, it would be
Windows Vista, touted as a major revisioning of the system, but in the end, a set of
patches that preserve what went before without bringing anything radically new to the
If the government wants buy-in for government-run health care, we need the equivalent
of an iPhone for the system, something that re-envisions the market so thoroughly that
every existing player needs to copy it. I’ve suggested that an opportunity exists to reinvent
Medicare so that it is more efficient than any private insurance company, and to make
the VA better than any private hospital system. But being realistic, technology teaches
us that it’s always harder to refactor an existing system or application than it is to start
That’s why the “public option” proposed in some current health care bills is such an
opportunity. Can we create a new health insurance program that uses the lessons of
technology—open standards, simplicity in design, customer self-service, measurement
of outcomes, and real-time response to what is learned, not to mention access via new
consumer devices—to improve service and reduce costs so radically that the entire
market follows?
This is the true measure of Gov 2.0: does it make incremental changes to the existing
system, or does it constitute a revolution? Considering the examples of Microsoft, Google,
Amazon, Apple, and other giants of the technology world, it’s clear that they succeeded
by changing all the rules, not by playing within the existing system. The personal
computer, the World Wide Web, and the iPhone have each managed to simultaneously
bring down costs while increasing consumer choice—each by orders of magnitude.
They did this by demonstrating how a radically new approach to existing solutions and
business models was, quite simply, orders of magnitude better than what went before.
If government is a platform, and Gov 2.0 is the next release, let’s make it one that shakes
up—and reshapes—the world.
1. Issue your own open government directive. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom
has done just that. You might consider his Open Data Executive Directive as a
2. As Robinson et al. propose, create “a simple, reliable and publicly accessible infrastructure
that ‘exposes’ the underlying data” from your city, county, state, or agency.
Before you can create a site like Data.gov, you must first adopt a data-driven, service-oriented
architecture for all your applications. The
“Eight Open Government Data Principles” document outlines the key requirements for open government data.
3. “Build your own websites and applications using the same open systems for accessing
the underlying data as they make available to the public at large” (Robinson
et al. again).
4. Share those open APIs with the public, using Data.gov for federal APIs and creating
state and local equivalents. For example, cities such as San Francisco (DataSF.org)
and Washington, D.C. (Data.DC.gov and Apps.DC.gov) include not only data catalogs
but also repositories of apps that use that data, created by both city developers
and the private sector.
5. Share your work with other cities, counties, states, or agencies. This might mean
providing your work as open source software, working with other governmental
bodies to standardize web services for common functions, building a common
cloud computing platform, or simply sharing best practices. Code for America is a
new organization designed to help cities do just that.
6. Don’t reinvent the wheel: support existing open standards and use open source
software whenever possible. (Open311 is a great example of an open standard being
adopted by many cities.) Figure out who has problems similar to yours, and see if
they’ve done some work that you can build on.
7. Create a list of software applications that can be reused by your government employees
without procurement.
8. Create an “app store” that features applications created by the private sector as well
as those created by your own government unit (see Apps.DC.gov).
9. Create permissive social media guidelines that allow government employees to engage
the public without having to get pre-approval from superiors.
10. Sponsor meetups, code camps, and other activity sessions to actually put citizens
to work on civic issues.
About the Author
Tim’s blog, the O’Reilly Radar, “watches the alpha geeks”
to determine emerging technology trends, and serves as a platform for advocacy about issues of
importance to the technical community. Tim’s long-term vision for his company is to change the world
by spreading the knowledge of innovators. In addition to O’Reilly Media, Tim is a
founder of Safari Books Online, a pioneering subscription service for accessing books
online, and O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, an early-stage venture firm.
Government as a Platform
Tim O'Reilly
There is a new compact on the horizon: information produced by and on behalf of
citizens is the lifeblood of the economy and the nation; government has a responsibility
to treat that information as a national asset. Citizens are connected like never before
and have the skill sets and passion to solve problems affecting them locally as well as
nationally. Government information and services can be provided to citizens where and
when they need them. Citizens are empowered to spark the innovation that will result
in an improved approach to governance. In this model, government is a convener and
an enabler rather than the first mover of civic action.
Time and again, the platforms that are the most generative of new economic activity are
those that are the most open. The modern era in computing began in 1981 when IBM
published the specifications for a personal computer that anyone could build using offthe-
shelf parts. Prior to the introduction of the PC, IBM had a stranglehold on the
computer market. It was a valuable but limited market, with very few vendors serving
a small number of very big customers.
5 Please address the following Interoperability and Portability questions:
In one of the early classics of software engineering, Systemantics, John Gall wrote: “A
complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system
that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true. A complex system designed
from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over beginning
with a working simple system.”
Over the long haul, most vendors are going to migrate from TCP/IP to support Layer 4,
the transport layer of the OSI model. For the short term, however, TCP/IP provides organizations
with enough functionality to protect their existing equipment investment and
over the long term, TCP/IP promises to allow for easy migration to OSI.
In the current Presidential cycle, all three candidates have indicated that they think the
federal government could make better use of the Internet…. But the situation to which
these candidates are responding—the wide gap between the exciting uses of Internet
technology by private parties, on the one hand, and the government’s lagging technical
infrastructure on the other—is not new. The federal government has shown itself consistently
unable to keep pace with the fast-evolving power of the Internet.
Service-Oriented Architecture at Amazon
Amazon revolutionized the computer world in 2006 with the introduction of its cloud
computing platform: the Elastic Compute Cloud, or EC2; the Simple Storage Service, or
S3; and a series of other related services that make it possible for developers to host their
applications on the same infrastructure that Amazon itself uses.
Each of those pieces that make up the e-commerce platform are actually separate services.
Whether it’s Sales Rank, or Listmania, or Recommendations, all of those are separate
services. If you hit one of Amazon’s pages, it goes out to between 250 and 300
services to build that page.
Closely related to the idea of simplicity is the idea of designing for participation. Participatory
systems are often remarkably simple—they have to be, or they just don’t work.
But when a system is designed from the ground up to consist of components developed
by independent developers (in a government context, read countries, federal agencies,
states, cities, private sector entities), magic happens.
1. The HTML syntax for formatting a web page was not embedded in a proprietary
document format. Instead, HTML documents are ordinary, human-readable text
files. What’s more, every web browser includes a “View Source” menu command,
which allows users to study and understand the formatting of web pages, and to
copy innovative new features. Many early web pages weren’t written from scratch,
but were modifications of other people’s pages.
It’s important to think deeply about what the three design principles of transparency,
participation, and collaboration mean in the context of technology.
Do It Ourselves: An Example from Hawaii
One of the most dramatic contemporary examples is a
story reported by CNN, “Island DIY: Kauai residents don’t wait for state to repair road”:
“Their livelihood was being threatened, and they were tired of waiting for government help, so
business owners and residents on Hawaii’s Kauai island pulled together and completed a $4 million
repair job to a state park—for free.”
“It would not have been open this summer, and it probably wouldn’t be open next
summer,” said Bruce Pleas, a local surfer who helped organize the volunteers. “They
said it would probably take two years. And with the way they are cutting funds, we felt
like they’d never get the money to fix it.”
Everyone Has Something to Offer
The reflex exerted by government to gather new information, whether in pursuit of
spreading around money for housing or planning its next steps in Afghanistan, is to
convene an advisory committee of experts. A whole set of laws and regulations, such as
the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), controls this process. Such panels are
typically drawn from a limited group of academics and industry experts. A list of these
advisors would no doubt show a familiar pattern of high-ranking universities.
• Observations such as reports of potholes and crimes
• Feedback on government proposals
• New ideas generated through brainstorming sessions
• Full-fledged applications that operate on publicly available data
The secret of generative systems is that the most creative ideas for how a new platform
can be used don’t necessarily come from the creators of the platform. It was not IBM
but Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston (VisiCalc), Mitch Kapor (Lotus 1-2-3), and Bill
Gates who developed the “killer applications” that made the IBM personal computer
such a success. It was Tim Berners-Lee, not Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn (the designers of
the Internet’s TCP/IP protocol), who developed the Internet’s own first killer application,
the World Wide Web. And it was Larry Page and Sergey Brin, not Tim Berners-Lee, who
figured out how to turn the World Wide Web into a tool that revolutionized business.
Open data is important not just because it is a key enabler of outside innovation. It’s also
important to place in the context of current Internet business models. To explain, we
require a brief excursion.
When attractive profits disappear at one stage in the value chain because a product becomes
modular and commoditized, the opportunity to earn attractive profits with proprietary
products will usually emerge at an adjacent stage.
When thinking about user participation and the co-creation of value, it’s easy to focus
on technology platforms that explicitly feature the creations of their users, like Wikipedia,
YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. Yet in many ways, the breakthroughs in
Web 2.0 have often come from exploring a far wider range of possibilities for collaboration:
• Open source technology platforms such as the TCP/IP protocol suite and utilities
created as part of Berkeley Unix, as well as Linux, Apache, and MySQL, and open
source programming languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, and Ruby, all built and
maintained by collaborative communities, provided the fundamental building
blocks of the Internet as we know it today.
Each year, about 100,000 people die from preventable infections they contract in a hospital.
When 108 hospitals in Michigan instituted a simple process to prevent some of these
infections, it nearly eliminated them. If Medicare reduced payments for the treatment of
such infections, it would give hospitals a huge financial incentive to prevent them...
In a memorable moment during the Apollo 13 moon mission, when mechanical failures
required that the mission be aborted and the astronauts rescued using only materials
on board the craft, mission controller Gene Kranz famously said, “Failure is not an
option.” In that case, he was right. But far too often, government programs are designed
as though there is only one right answer, and with the assumption that the specification
developed by a project team must by definition be correct.
How Platform Thinking Changes the Big Government/Small Government
It should be obvious by now that platform thinking provides a real alternative to the
endless argument between liberals and conservatives that has so dominated U.S. political
discourse in recent decades. The idea that we have to choose between government providing
services to citizens and leaving everything to the private sector is a false dichotomy.
Tim Berners-Lee didn’t develop hundreds of millions of websites; Google didn’t
develop thousands of Google Maps mashups; Apple developed only a few of the tens of
thousands of applications for the iPhone.
When Microsoft introduced Microsoft Windows, it didn’t just introduce the platform;
it introduced two applications, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, that showed off
the ease of use that came with graphical user interfaces. When Apple introduced the
iPhone, it didn’t even introduce the platform until its second year. First, it built a device
with remarkable new features and a suite of applications that showed off their power.
Practical Steps for Government Agencies
Tim O’Reilly is the founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media, Inc., thought by many to be the
best computer book publisher in the world. In addition to Foo Camps (“Friends of
O’Reilly” Camps, which gave rise to the “un-conference” movement), O’Reilly Media
also hosts conferences on technology topics, including the Web 2.0 Summit, the Web
2.0 Expo, the O’Reilly Open Source Convention, the Gov 2.0 Summit, and the Gov 2.0